Friday, 8 February 2013


So where to begin?? I suppose I should start back in the beginning: The year was 1978…what? too far back? OK OK! It was November 2012 and due to significant changes at my partner Amanda's workplace, she started looking into other options for work. Amanda had some friends and former colleagues who thoroughly enjoyed a year or two overseas doing paid volunteer work through an Australian volunteers program. Apparently there was a job going in Palau (where is that again?) that was perfect for her. She had the right experience and it would be a great opportunity for her. That night we briefly discussed the possibility of going overseas to work and in particular applying for this role. I think I shocked her a little when I told her to apply. As we went through the interview process and discussed the idea further we became more and more excited and committed about going. Interviews were held just before Christmas and we received word soon after that she was the only candidate to go through the rest of the application process. As I would be accompanying Amanda overseas, I too would be included in the program and have to go through the interviews and checks as well. So this brings us up to now, we are currently most of the way through the process and understand it’s going very well so far. While we may not receive full confirmation until March we expect to be heading to Palau around the 10th of June.

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