Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Japanorama: Punkspring music festival

Friends and regular readers will know that both Amanda and myself love seeing live music It's one of the things I've seriously missed while living in Palau.

Gimmie Gimmies!!
A band I've quite enjoyed over the years is called 'Me First and the Gimme Gimmes'. They are an all-star punk band who only do covers. They cover everyone from Dolly Parton to R Kelly to Billy Joel to Boys 2 Men. The songs and the band are a lot of fun. They have rarely toured Australia and I was very disappointed to see them head down under late last year (while we were in Palau). But when planning our Japan trip I was more than a little excited to see our trip timed with their tour.

Unfortunately I got a little sick the night before the gig so we went in a little late and I was a touch subdued. Going to a festival in Japan is rather hilarious. Like going to Pro Baseball games you can bring in any food or drink you like. You just have to transfer drinks into plastic cups. No bag checks either!

The crowd will either be very subdued and polite or crazy and completely into it. Up the back of the standing section there were people asleep on the floor. Many people left bags and belongings on seats with seemingly no concern of them being stolen (there is little crime in Japan).

At one point a few circle pits started but at least two of them seemed to very quickly into something more like a hippy love circle.

Good crowd in for the festival
The first band we caught was a Japanese one called Dragon Ash. They were a really weird mix between funk/metal/rap and pop music. They also had a couple of male back up dancers which at times left me wondering if they'd be better placed performing at the Sydney Gay Pride festival. The crowd seemed totally into it though.

Next up were the band we'd come to see. Me First and the Gimme Gimmes were awesome. They sounded great, were very funny and played some of my favourites in Country Roads (John Denver), I Believe I Can Fly (R Kelly) and Jolene (Dolly Parton).

We missed most of the next band called 10-Feet, another Japanese band while doing a convenience store run for a snack and some beers. Unlike Dragon Ash they actually had one style and did it fairly well.

Part of the cool ceiling in the hall
Next up were Swedish band The Hives. I've been aware of The Hives before but they are one of those bands that I never managed to get into for whatever reason. I have to say I was quite impressed by them, they are a great live band with a very good stage presence. I enjoyed their garage rock style and will have to check then out more.

Last up were Bad Religion a band I'd listened to a little bit through the mid 90's but wouldn't say I'm much of a fan. As soon as they started it was immediately noticable the sound mix was completely off with far too much drum & bass and very little vocals and guitar. Unfortunately the mix didn't get much better through their set. This was a little bit of a let down as the major focus of the band would be Greg's vocal harmonies.

Overall a fun gig and I'm very happy we went. Many thanks to our friend Shinsuke for securing the tickets for us! I also have a cool new Me First tshirt with a Japanese inspired giant robots theme.

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